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Amiga Formula One

Hall of Fame

the amiga f1gp perfbase

The PerfBase is an online collection of AGPPerf perf files, which is where the name comes from (PERF dataBASE). There are 80 perf files in total (the fastest 5 for each circuit). These files can be downloaded, and you can then display them with GPDisplay.

Why would you want to make use of these perfs? The simple answer is that it'll help you become faster. The perfs for the top times in the HoF can be found in the PerfBase - you simply load these into GPDisplay, along with a perf containing one of your personal hotlaps. This allows you to compare in detail where you are losing time and, more importantly, why. It is a very good idea to make use of the PerfBase - after all, real F1 drivers do a similar thing with their telemetry data (although, they are usually limited to comparing their lap with their teammate :)

HTML HoF Converter by Oliver Roberts - Page generated: Thu Feb 04 15:13:00 1999